Friday, August 8, 2008

FYI: Training Announcement - "What's New in Special Education Law, Changes to the Chapter 14 Regulations"

The Bucks County Right to Education Task Force will be hosting a training/information session regarding changes in Special Education law and changes to Chapter 14 Regulations as part of their 2008-2009 meetings.

This session, presented by Andrew Faust, Esquire, partner, Sweet, Stevens, Katz, and Williams, will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22, located at 705 Shady Retreat Road in Doylestown.

Free babysitting is available, but pre-registration is required. To register contact Helene Gutgesell (with the number & ages of children) at (215) 348-2940 or hgutgesebucksiu. orq by September 24, 2008.

New Parent Chairpersons are Tricie DeAngelis at, (267) 218-1671 and Tina DiBiaso at mailto:Tina%40visionforequality.orq, (215) 816-1322.

"Come and participate in the only countywide organization that bringstogether parents, the PA Department of Education, IU #22, each schooldistrict in Bucks County, Bucks Co. MH/MR and the ARC of PA."

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