Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FYI: Autism Support Network Workshop: November 15, 2008 with Donna Williams

The Autism Support Network will be presenting a workshop on November 15, 2008, with guest speaker Donna Williams.

Donna Williams is an Australian born adult with autism who acquired functional speech in late childhood and went on to become a qualified teacher. She is the author of two international bestselling autobiographies and has 9 published books relating to autism, including 4 text books widely used in autism education.

As a screenwriter, she wrote the screenplay to "Nobody Nowhere", the first book in her 4 book autobiographical series. That screenplay is currently under option to become a Hollywood film.

She is an professional artist, singer-song writer and published poet as well as a world renowned public speaker on autism now living with her husband in Australia. In her presentations she draws not only on her own experiences but on over 10 years experience as a professional autism consultant having worked with hundreds of people on the autism spectrum.

Donna's workshop will provide a valuable perspective of living life withASD across the family, school and community environments. She is a speakerin demand around the world due to her unique perspective and ability toshare her feelings and experiences on a very personal level.

More information about her and her life's work can be found on her website at

For more info and a registration form, click the following link:

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